Day 20 – The one with the reunion

Well it’s not nice to get cold anyway but when you are supposed to go 30+ km it feels worse. So in the morning I went to have breakfast but I felt that I have to stay in the albergue. I packed myself afterwards under blankets and the sleeping bag.

What I was not expecting is that around 10 I started to get better and I got a hint from Maria that there’re albergues in few hours time. So I actually got myself together (mostly I had a second breakfast) and around 11 I left the albergue.

I was listening to music again which seemed to give me super powers: in the first 2 hours I did more than 14k without feeling it.

Then I had a very unexpected meeting with Camille whom I last saw 10 days before. So we joined up for some time and breaks up until the last hour when I went ahead.

Finally I arrived quite fast – again with music, above 6kmph. I found a shop and a pharmacy so got some supplies then went to the albergue where Maria was already there but also Jeremy who I also haven’t seen since 10 days.

Unfortunately I had to go back a bit as the stamping was done in a bar but without the bag I literally ran 🙂

We had a nice “reunion” dinner and waiting for the water to heat up for shower …

Day 19 – The one with the cold

Yet another roller-coaster day but I guess that’s just standard on the Camino, especially on the North way: up and down, up and down.

I started to feel kinda sick. Maybe the night out on the porch, maybe not wanting to put on a sweater in the chilly morning the day before or maybe the cold shower but something got to me. Little bit of sore throat – but that actually went by quickly – and cold. Not really what you need here.

I left around 9 planning to have a fairly short day: 25 until Aviles. I was looking for a place to have a tea as I forgot it in the hostel when to much to my surprise I saw Maria.

So once again we went together and arrived at Aviles around 4. The road was kinda mixed: ugly city walk out from Gijon, then some nicer hills but then approaching Aviles next to some industrial area and main roads. For quite some part. Finally in Aviles we immediately decided to go further: the smog and/or dust was so heavy in the city that you could actually see that it clouds the sight.

After a break therefore we went on to a place that was supposed to be in Salinas, only 7k away.

By this time I started to feel quite unwell and looked not too good as it has been pointed out. I went ahead and then following the arrows I realised that I’m getting away from the place I was heading. By the time I figured that I either have to back track a bit or explore a dirt road Maria caught up with me and we decided with the later one.

We found ourselves on a probably abandoned motocross or mountain bike track in the forest with ramps and stuff but after working our way up on it we got back to civilisation. This was around 2kms fun and wondering where we are…

It took us some time and Google Maps to get to the albergue on top of a hill but around 6 we arrived. It was an extension of a church and although there was not much around the owner offered us a ride to the supermarket. There was already a Spanish and Polish girl and they went shopping while I was trying to get myself together so at least I can have dinner once they return.

I went asleep hoping that the massive amount of tea and the neo citran I took might help to sleep my cold out.

I’ve realised that I barely took pictures this day: not muc to see and too busy with my sickness. Not great. But I was really thankful for Maria to keep my spirit up and even doing the shopping for me.

Day 18 – The one with the waves

In the morning it turned out that the French woman travelling with a French boy from yesterday had an interesting story. It was a rehabilitation program for the boy and the woman was escorting him leaving all decisions about the way to him.

However this did not come to light too early: for some reason everyone slept in. I woke up around 8 thinking that everyone must have left already or at least having breakfast. On the contrary. I ended being the first for breakfast. And as the people came we had nice conversation. I guess partly because they were going to go on the Primitivo path meaning we have little chance meeting again.

So I left record late, not much before 10.

Maybe because I started late or maybe because for the first time I was listening to music along the way I seemed to have a quite fast pace.

Apart from small talks with fellow pilgrims and some fig picking I didn’t even stop until after 25k.

Altough I got curious and was tempted about the Primitivo, I chose to go to Gijon as it saves one day. Not that I wanted to rush the Camino but I still felt I might be able to go to Fisterra as well but only if I keep my pace.

During the day as an experiment I kept waving drivers who passed by. It was very uplifting to see most of them smiling and waving back.

We talked with Sven and decided to meet in Gijon. So I kept my break short and went on.

Closed the beautifully sunny day after almost 30k in less than 6 hours with a tea with Sven.

As once again I was past the official albergue I found a hostel to stay and went grocery shopping.

The Lithuanian father mentioned a movie about the Camino: The Way. I watched it before going to sleep. One thing I already have to agree on with it: many – if not most – of the people not sure why they started the Camino or realise that the true reason is different from what they thought. In any case, I yet to see it how it turns out for me as well.

Day 17

This day started slowly. I woke up around 8 and left only a bit before 9.

The weather and the scenery was nice but my favourite moment of the day was when I was picking figs and the owner noticed me. First I thought that he’s not too happy about it but when I told him that I don’t speak Spanish he asked in English whether I’d like to have something to eat and invited me to eat more figs. Made my day.

With not much break I got to the albergue after Villaviciosa, in Amandi in 25k a little after 2. I’d have went further but the next option would’ve been 12k further and my knee started acting up.

As it turned out the place is on fact the one that the owner of the eco house recommended 2 days ago. I only came here because this one was the last one 🙂

Had the most refreshing shower: the owner forgot to turn on the water boiler 🙂 I guess that’s the price of arriving first.

The people from 2 days ago came here as well, we had a nice lunch together and then played some cards.

Day 16

As I started the post about the day before, it was a roller coaster. I thought it will at least end on a high note with the perfect albergue. However as it is, nothing is perfect: after going to bed not only did I meet my first bed bugs bit I couldn’t snap them fast enough … I was up until 2 when I decided to go out on the porch with some blankets and try to sleep in a sun chair. Well, it was not too good.

So in the morning I was quite tired and not in the best mood. We all left together around 9 (!) and spread out after a while.

We went together with Maria most of the day taking some breaks along the way. It was a bit of a shame that in the nice weather we didn’t get too far because of tiredness and blisters.

Ended up in La Islas after only about 25k in 7 hours.

Had quite a lot of figs on the way though 🙂

Day 15

Well this day was a roller-coaster with a a happy ending 🙂

The day before we had huge amount of food for dinner and the lady was very grandma style: as soon as one part was finished she changed the plates and brought the next dish. Two trays of salad for the 7 of us was already not too little, but OK. The came the 3 trays of pasta and she insisted on us finishing them all.

Quick breakfast, watching the news and the saddening weather forecast.

I left around 8 and had a plan to walk 30k. The rain started soon and although I went the coastal way it only made the path longer and more difficult but the scenery was mostly missing due to the massive fog.

I’ve passed yesterday’s roommates, had some figs and at some point felt that either the massive dinner the day before or some of the figs weren’t sitting well.

To my surprise I’ve met with Maria again who I thought is far ahead of me. Again it was good timing as in the gloomy weather all cheer and motivation was needed to keep going. We didn’t stop until half past eleven when we reached Llanes.

That point, at around 20k I was considering stopping. Fortunately the break and the weather turning nicer gave me some boost. It turned out that well that not only we went further but we didn’t take another break for more than another 2 hours, at around 30k.

With one more smaller break we were heading to Cuerres. Already checked a place on – as there were no known and open albergue close by – we were amazed by a place just from the look of it from the outside.


We went in to check if they are open, still have place, etc. and our amazement only grew. It was an oco, eco, passive house with the most friendly owner ever and a quality of environment that I’d be happy to take as a home. Much to our surprise this all based on donations!

We had dinner together like a family with the 9 of us guest and Kat, the owner. The 3 course meal provided was fantastic.

After dinner we sat outside to sing some songs – well, mostly listen to an Austrian guy playing the guitar and singing.

Aaaand then I had a massage 🙂

Off to sleep afterwards with barely any time to check my blisters 🙂

All of this after a day of 41+km in 11 and half hours that got me past 400km.

Day 14

After breakfast I started around 8. The weather was nice and the sunrise was gorgeous with still fog in the valleys.

Although yesterday I thought that I might even need a day off because of the blisters they were not too bad.

I’ve crossed path with couple of people on the way and shared the cake kinda thing I’ve bought the day before – which I wanted to share in the albergue for breakfast but I forgot…

After around 20k my feet started to hurt.

In Buelna I had my lunch break to give them a rest. However when I wanted to continue t didn’t work. After 25k I had to stop.

In the albergue I’ve met with the now familiar French group as well as a Lithuanian girl and she gave me some special band-aid like thing for the blisters.

The dinner was nothing new: salad, pasta, and some cake for dessert but the amount was unreal. 3 trays of pasta for the 7 of us.

Day 10

I’ve slept a bit longer and only left around 8. Went to the beach to check whether I can see the sunrise but the weather was not kind. Rainy, grey morning, clouding the sun.

On the way I had some fig and walnut that made for a delicious second breakfast.

With only a short break in an open building under construction to take shelter from the rain I arrived quite early to the so expected Guemes albergue in just 4 hours. It was a nice short day with only 18k but my legs needed a break anyway.

The place was amazing. Lunch, dinner, breakfast provided, there’s library, fireplace and the whole place looks better than anything else. Lovely people welcoming as well. The only scary this is the 3 level beds but fortunately I got here first so I got a lower one.

This place is not only a pilgrim albergue. It also has other social and humanitarian projects and the legacy of a priest who travelled around the world with a rover to work and help people.

It’s also a meeting point along the Camino I believe as it is recommended in all guidebooks with no alternative close by so lots of people stop here and who met before but were going with slightly different speed see each other here. I’ve met with the Slovenian guy who I had dinner with on day 0, the French and Austrian people I travelled with until two days ago and also a lot more.

However I have to be honest, for what I expected – and maybe needed – from the Camino, it may have been a bit too busy for me.

Pictures from the Guemes albergue:

Day 5

As promised we started with a breakfast although it was only at 7 – not that I wanted to start much earlier today – and quite modest in amount. But that apple marmalade was delicious.

I left the monastery around 7.45. The morning was a struggle my right knee did not appreciate the downhill that should have been an easy part.

We were warned about rain but the few times it became more than intense humidity caught me under roof or trees. I’ve put the cover on my bag but didn’t even use my raincoat.

The kilometers just didn’t want to pass ..

The ideal would be to go to Eskerika which is around 9k from Gerkina. That’s a total of 26k for today as well.

When I got to Gerkina a little bit after 1pm the first thing I did was to go to a pharmacy. I bought an inflammatory creme and two bandage for my ankles. I also popped into a shop to buy some food for lunch and later.

At 2:30 pm I moved on to try to reach the hostel in Eskerika.

In the afternoon I was not so lucky with the rain but still didn’t needed the raincoat. After the expected distance I was getting a bit worried since the next place is 10+k but by 5pm I’ve finally arrived.
There’s hot shower, wifi, and food. What else could I ask for?

Day 4

Couldn’t really sleep – or at least it felt like that – so I started the day early again.

The ascents were quite tough but probably because it was mostly dirt road the way down was surprisingly okay. By 12.30 I arrived to Metriku where I’ve met with the frenchs. We walked outside the city to have a picnic lunch. Then off to the monastery in Ziortza.

It was an extra 8k but very much worth it. We got there by 4.30. They gave us dinner and breakfast. Beautiful view and locally brewed beer. Which was interesting as one type didn’t have bubbles and tastes quite sweet.

Only bad point that the snoring guys are back 🙂 ear plugs would be nice I guess…

Oh and we passed 100k. Yay 🙂